Studying in short chunks of time but more frequently could help keep you focused. Set small goals and reward yourself after achieving them. Take a walk and get some fresh air in between. You’ve come this far, I’m sure you can power through this. All the best!
Instead of hoping for a burst of motivation, make a schedule and discipline yourself to follow it. Even if you don’t feel like studying, just get started – the motivation will follow after you’ve been working for a while. Remember why you’re studying in the first place, and keep that end goal in mind to push through the tough times. You’ve got this!
Motivation comes and goes. What’s important is to develop discipline. Focus on your ‘why’ – why are you studying these subjects and what goals you want to achieve. Then take action one step at a time without relying on motivation. You can do it!
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Try making a study timetable with small chunks and consistent short study sessions. Listen to study music, set goals and break them into smaller tasks. Motivation won’t last long, build discipline instead. I believe in you, you can do this!
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