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Dealing with Procrastination

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  • #7085
    Anisha Gupta

      Hello everyone! Lately, I’ve been struggling with procrastination and it’s really affecting my productivity. I always find myself putting off tasks until the last minute and then rushing to complete them. It’s becoming a real problem and I’m afraid it will start affecting my grades. Does anyone have any tips or techniques to overcome procrastination and stay focused? I would really appreciate your suggestions. Thank you!

      Anuja Gupta

        Hey there! I totally get you, procrastination can be a real challenge. One thing that has worked for me is breaking down my tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. It feels less overwhelming and helps me get started. Give it a try!

        Rohan Kumar

          I hear you! Procrastination can be a tough habit to break. One technique that has helped me is the Pomodoro Technique. You work for 25 minutes and then take a short break. It helps in managing time and staying focused. Give it a shot!

          Akash Nair

            I feel you, mate! Procrastination is the worst. One thing that worked for me was finding a study buddy. Having someone to hold you accountable and study together can make a big difference. Plus, it can even make studying more fun! Give it a shot!

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